5 Quick Book Photography/Bookstagram Tips for New Bookstagrammers

*says the girl with less than 800 followers on Instagram, but you know, it’s fineeee*

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I take photos of my books. And I believe that gives me all of the qualifications (haha not really) to give all of you lovely people some tips that I’ve acquired and learned in the past two years (or so). With it, there were ups and downs, but I definitely have had a great time doing it.

Sooooo, hopefully (emphasis on hopefully) I can pass along some knowledge that’ll help new bookstagrammers/book photographers?Untitled design (1)

1. Post consistently.

Example: Don’t go for months without posting, because that’s honestly what I’ve done on Instagram SO MANY TIMES. I’m working on it, okay!?

But seriously, if you post multiple times a week (but you DO NOT HAVE TO), that’s the best way to gain traction for your bookstagram page, I believe.

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actual GIF of me trying to take photos at a fast pace

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2. You don’t NEED a fancy camera, but if you want to invest, it’s definitely a great tool.

I use the Canon 70D for all of my recent photos, but I used to use a camera that was maybe twelve years old??? It was a little tough, but I made it work.

Fancy cameras are things that you should invest in if you really are serious about your page. Otherwise, it really doesn’t matter if you’re just having fun with it. It’s just your personal decision, but I think a higher quality camera definitely spruces up your photos.

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3. Editing (DO IT!)

This may seem kind of obvious, BUT PLEASE TAKE CARE IN EDITING. Fine-tune, maybe use a filter, make it brighter or darker, or make it saturated!

Editing is definitely a crucial part of the photo-posting process, and if you skip it and use just the raw image, it kind of hurts your feed. Untitled design (1)

4. Speaking of feed…

It helps to have a feed with a theme, as it makes your page look more attractive overall, though it’s completely optional. My favorite theme is probably a somewhat rainbow one, where bookstagrammers use ROY G BIV in their photos to make a bright and colorful page.

Two of my favorite accounts are @paperfury and @alittlebookworld, because they both have such vibrant themes.

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5. Be kind to other accounts!

Make sure that you put yourself out there as a nice person who people WANT to follow, and not someone who never responds to comments, likes or follows other pages, etc. etc.

So just put your best foot forward, and have a good time on Instagram and taking your photos!Image result for thumbs up

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Any tips to add for new bookstagrammers? Sorry for such a short post (I’m on vacation and it’s 11:00 at night because PROCRASTINATION!) Also, one of these days I’ll do a full updated photo-editing post, but until then remember, here’s my InstagramFacebook, and Goodreads.






10 thoughts on “5 Quick Book Photography/Bookstagram Tips for New Bookstagrammers

  1. Love these tips! I’ve been on bookstagram for a little over a year now (@nutfreenerd) and I absolutely love it. Taking a lot of photos at one time is also really helpful for posting consistently because then you don’t run out of photos as quickly. Your feed is gorgeous! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ohh this is such a fabulous post! And I’m totally honoured to be mentioned here!! 😱❤️ *gives you cake* Also I THOROUGHLY agree with these tips! Posting consistently really helps me. I do post 2 x a day, but like even just making sure you definitely post a few times a week helps! Also I’ve found the theme really helped move my feed along. It’s great because people recognise your photos on sight?! Which is sort of awesome. 😂😂 Loved your post and must go check out your insta now!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post all of these tips are wonderful!

    I completely agree about consistency! I try to take photoshoots and schedule my pictures out but it doesn’t always happen that way for me lol!

    Liked by 1 person

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